Beat The Plastic Pollution by changing your habits

The World Environment Day was first mentioned in 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment organized by UNEP. This event was attended by 113 countries which shows how important our planet's health is to all of us. And since then, it has been celebrated every year on June 5th, creating a global awareness about environmental issues.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is a global environment agency, established to support the division of the United Nations that deals with environmental issues. UNEP acts to empower the nations of the world, who are members of this body and aim at minimizing their ecological footprints on earth. The main objective behind celebrating World Environment Day every year is to spread awareness across the globe about environmental protection.

World Environment Day is an annual event celebrated throughout the world on 5th June. Since it was established in 1974, this day has brought together millions of people in communities across the globe to take action on improving the environment. As people gather together to celebrate World Environment Day, they help to raise awareness and make positive changes that may last for generations. Earth is our home and we have to take care of it because eventually we will have to live in it. To make a sustainable future, let’s clean our planet by planting trees, recycling waste and educating others about the importance of environment.

The slogan for this year's celebration is 'Beat The Plastic Pollution'. The Earth needs our help, care and our willingness to act. Every year, the sea level increases and the global temperature rises. Droughts are getting more prolonged and severe, making food production a challenge. The global ocean is starving from pollution which is caused mainly by plastic. This World Environment Day, in particular, is dedicated to preserving the nature and avoiding plastic pollution.  


The objective is to ensure citizens realize the negative impacts of their consumer habits and the individual actions can make a difference in the transformative environmental change that is necessary in order to develop a more sustainable Earth. MamaP is supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We CAN change our lives for better and improve the lives of future generations by living the sustainable life and switching to climate-friendly products. Start small and go big!

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